
Manage EDF file headers.

EdfHeader(subject_code='', subject_sex='', subject_dob='', subject_name='', experiment_id='', investigator_id='', equipment_code='', duration_of_data_record=0, date_time=None, reserved='', signals=[])

The header in a EDF file.


Name Type Description
duration_of_data_record number
number_of_bytes_in_header int
number_of_data_records int
number_of_signals int
recording_id object of class EdfRecordingId
reserved str
signals list of EdfSignal
startdate datetime.date
starttime datetime.time
subject_id object of class EdfSubjectId
version str, always '0'

Initialises an EDF header.


Name Type Description Default
subject_code str, default ''
subject_sex str, default ''
subject_dob str, default ''

The parameters subject_* are used to construct an object of class::EdfSubjectId. See that class for details.

experiment_id str, default ''
investigator_id str, default ''
equipment_code str, default ''
date_time str or datetime or None, default

The parameters experiment_id, investigator_id, equipment_code and date_time are used to construct and object of class::EdfRecordingId. See that class for details.

duration_of_data_record number, default

This can be a float, but is is recommended to be an integer value

reserved str, default

Must be an empty string if the file conforms to the EDF format, or ‘EDF+C’ or ‘EDF+D’ if the file includes an annotations signal (EDF+ format).

signals list of EdfSignal objects, default

A list of objects of class::Signal



Display the contents of the header.

duration_of_data_record() writable property

Get or set the duration (in seconds) of the data record.

This value is recommended (but not required) to be an integer.

number_of_bytes_in_header() writable property

Get or set the number of bytes in the data header.

This value depends on the number of signals, so it should be updated whenever the number of signals changes.

number_of_signals() property

Get the number of signals in the EDF file.


Return the header as a bytes object.

The header record, which includes the subject, recording, and signal(s) attributes, are concatenated into a single bytes (ascii string) object, as required by the EDF specification. This object can be then used to e.g. write the header record in an opened EDF file.


Name Type Description
main_hdr str(ascii)

The record header, formatted as per the EDF requirements.

recording_id() writable property

Get or set the recording identification.

The recording ID can be a single string with values [start_str, startdate, experiment_id, investigator_id, equipment_code] separated by spaces (as is the case when reading the recording ID from the header of and EDF file), or an object of class EdfRecordingId.


Using one, space-separated string of values:

>>> rec_id = ("start_str startdate experiment_id " +
        "investigator_id  equipment_code")
>>> header.recording_id = rec_id

Using EdfRecordingId:

>>> rec_id = EdfRecordingId(startdate, experiment_id,
...     investigator_id, equipment_code)
>>> header.recording_id = rec_id

signals() writable property

Get or set the list of signals in an EDF file.

This attribute is a list of EdfSignal signal objects.

startdate() writable property

Set or get the recording start date.


Name Type Description Default
value str or datetime

It must be either (a) a string ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, e.g. ‘2016-10-25’, or (b) a string ‘d.m.y’ as required by EDF, e.g. ‘16.10.25’, or (c) a datetime object



Name Type Description
startdate datetime object

starttime() writable property

Get or set the recording start time.


Name Type Description Default
value str or datetime

It must be either (a) a string ‘H.M.S’ as required by EDF, e.g. ‘12.15.05’, or (b) a string in standard format ‘H:M:S’, e.g. ‘12:15:05’, or (b) a datetime object.


subject_id() writable property

Get or set the subject (patient) ID record.

The subject ID can be a single string with values [code, sex, dob, name] separated by spaces (as is the case when reading the patient ID from the header of and EDF file), or an object of class EdfSubjectId.


Use a single string, values are space-separated.

>>> header.subject_id = "the_code X 1990-01-01 the_name"

or use EdfSubjectID

>>> id = EdfSubjectID(code, sex, dob, name)
>>> header.subject_id = id

EdfRecordingId(startdate=None, experiment_id='', investigator_id='', equipment_code='')

Recording identification.

The ‘local recording identification field’ is a string of 80 characters in the header of a EDF file. It contains information about the start date, experiment ID, investigator ID, and equipment code, each of these separated by a space.

This class handles that information. It is seldom useful on its own but rather as an attribute of class::Header.


Name Type Description
equipment_code str
experiment_id str
investigator_id str
startdate datetime.date

The ‘local recording identification field’.

The recording identification field forms part of the EDF header. All these subfields together will be concatenated (separated by spaces) to form one string which must not exceed 80 characters. Note that the text ‘Startdate’ is always prepended to this string, and this must betaken into account for the character count.

Fields that are unknown (empty strings) will be replaced by an ‘X’ as per the EDF specification.


Name Type Description Default
startdate str or datetime or None, default

The start date. Expected to be: (a) a string in isoformat (‘yyyy-mm-dd’), or (b) a datetime instance, as in e.g. datetime.now(), or (c) a date string with format ‘%d-%b-%Y’, as in e.g. ‘02-AUG-1951’, which is the format required by EDF for this field, or (d) None, in which case the current date will be used

experiment_id str, default

“The hospital administration code of the investigation, i.e. EEG number” (Kemp, 2003)

investigator_id str, default

“A code identifying the responsible investigator” (Kemp, 2003)

equipment_code str, default

“A code specifying the used equipment” (Kemp, 2003)


equipment_code() writable property

Get or set the equipment code.

Any spaces will be replaced by underscores.

experiment_id() writable property

Get or set the experiment ID.

Any spaces will be replaced by underscores, as required by EDF.

investigator_id() writable property

Get or set the investigator ID.

Any spaces will be replaced by underscores, as required by EDF.

startdate() writable property

Get or set the recording start date.

To set the date, any of these values are acceptable: (a) a string in isoformat (‘yyyy-mm-dd’), or (b) a datetime instance, as in e.g. datetime.now(), or (c) a date string with format ‘%d-%b-%Y’, which is the format required by EDF for this field. (d) None, in which case the current date will be used.

In all cases startdate will be saved internally as a datetime object.


Return the recording identification as a single string.

The local recording identification in an EDF file must be a string no longer than 80 characters. This function concatenates the recording attributes to create such a string. This is useful for making the full EDF header record.


Name Type Description
rec_id str

A string containing the recording identification in the format specified by EDF.

EdfSignal(label='', transducer_type='', physical_dim='', physical_min=-32768, physical_max=32767, digital_min=-32768, digital_max=32767, prefiltering='', number_of_samples_in_data_record=0, sampling_freq=0)

Properties of a signal.

These properties are stored in the header of an EDF file (after the first 256 bytes which contain the ‘main’ header). Each signal header is 256 bytes long.


Name Type Description
digital_max int
digital_min int
gain number
label str
number_of_samples_in_data_record int
physical_dim str
physical_max number
physical_min number
prefiltering str
reserved str
sampling_freq number
transducer_type str


Example 1: A voltage signal digitised with a 12-bit ADC, single-ended, input range 0 to 5 V. Sampling rate (fs) is 30 Hz. saving_period_s is how often (in seconds) the data are saved to disk.

>>> fs = 30
>>> signal = edfrw.EdfSignal(label='ADC', sampling_freq=fs,
...     physical_dim="V",
...     number_of_samples_in_data_record=saving_period_s*fs,
...     physical_min=0, physical_max=5,
...     digital_min=0, digital_max=4095)

Example 2: A voltage signal, digitised with a 16-bit ADC with input range -10 to 10 V. Sampling rate (fs) is 1000 Hz.

>>> fs = 1000
>>> signal = edfrw.EdfSignal(label='ADC', sampling_freq=fs,
...     number_of_samples_in_data_record=saving_period_s*fs,
...     physical_dim="V", physical_min=-10, physical_max=10,
...     digital_min=-0x8000, digital_max=0x7fff)

Example 3: A digital signal as a boolean (off = 0, on = 1)

>>> signal = edfrw.EdfSignal(label='ON-OFF', sampling_freq=fs,
...     number_of_samples_in_data_record=saving_period_s*fs,
...     physical_min=0, physical_max=1, digital_min=0,
...     digital_max=1)

Properties of a signal in an EDF file.


Name Type Description Default
label str, max.length ''
transducer_type str of size 80, default

The type of sensor used, e.g. ‘thermistor’ or ‘Ag-AgCl electrode’.

physical_dim str, max.length

The physical dimension. A string that must start with a prefix (e.g. ‘u’ for ‘micro’) followed by the basic dimension (e.g. ‘V’ for volts). Other examples of basic dimensions are ‘K’, ‘degC’ or ‘degF’ for temperature, and ‘%’ for SaO2. Powers are denoted by ‘^’, as in ‘V^2/Hz’. An empty string represents an uncalibrated signal. For standards on labels and units, see http://www.edfplus.info/specs/edftexts.html

physical_min number, default -32768
physical_max number, default

The physical minimum and maximum should correspond to the digital extremes digital_min and digital_max and be expressed in the physical dimension physical_dim. The values of physical_min and physical_max must be different.

digital_min number, default -32768
digital_max number, default

“The digital minimum and maximum of each signal should specify the extreme values that can occur in the data records. These often are the extreme output values of the A/D converter.” (Kemp et al. 1992). digital_max must be larger than digital_min. Together, the two digital_ and the two physical_ values specify the offset and the amplification of the signal.

prefiltering str, max.length

Specifies if this signal was filtered; e.g. for high-pass, low-pass, or notch filtering, ‘HP:0.1Hz’, ‘LP:75Hz’, ‘N:50Hz’

number_of_samples_in_data_record integer, default

The number of 16-bit integers that this signal occupies

sampling_freq number, default

The sampling frequency. This subfield is not part of the EDF specification. It is added for convenience.


Use only ascii characters.

The data in EDF files are saved as two’s complement, 16-bit integers. Thus, the range between digital_min and digital_max must not exceed 2**16 - 1 = 65535.


Convert a digital value to a physical value.


Name Type Description Default
value uint16 or array of uint16_t

A digital value to convert. EDF digital values are always unsigned, 16-bit integers.



Name Type Description
phys float or array of float

The corresponding physical value.


These equations follow those used in EDFBrowser to convert from EDF to ascii (ascii_export.cpp)

digital_max() writable property

Get or set the signal’s digital maximum value.

digital_min() writable property

Get or set the signal’s digital minimum value.

gain() property

Get the signal gain.

The gain maps physical to digital dimensions. This property is calculated automatically whenever the digital or physical min/max values are set.

label() writable property

Get or set the signal label.

number_of_samples_in_data_record() writable property

Get or set the number of samples in each data record.


Convert a physical value to a digital value.


Name Type Description Default
value float or array of floats

The physical value(s) to convert



Name Type Description
dig uint16_t or array of uint16_t

The digital value


Follows the equation of a straight line (point-slope form):

y = m * (x - x1) + y1

x = (y - y1)/m + x1

physical_dim() writable property

Get or set the signal’s physical dimension.

physical_max() writable property

Get or set the signal’s physical maximum.

physical_min() writable property

Get or set the signal’s physical minimum.

prefiltering() writable property

Get or set the signal’s prefiltering information.


If the signal was low-pass filtered with a 10 Hz cut-off,

>>> signal.prefiltering = "LP:10Hz"

transducer_type() writable property

Get or set the transducer type.

EdfSubjectId(code='', sex='', dob='', name='')

Subject (patient) identification.

The subject (patient) identification is a string (80 characters long) in the header of a EDF file than contains information about the patient’s code, name, sex, and date of birth.

This class handles that information. It is seldom useful on its own but rather as an attribute of class::Header.


Name Type Description
code str

Patient code

sex str

Patient sex

dob datetime.date

Patient date of birth

name str

Patient name

Properties that identify the subject.


Name Type Description Default
code str, default

Patient code

sex str ''
dob str or datetime, default

Date of birth. It must be entered as: (a) a string in EDF format ‘dd-MMM-yy’, as in ‘30-DEC-1999’; (b) a string in iso format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, as in ‘1999-12-30’; or (c) a datetime object.

name str, default

The patient’s name


Any field that is not known can be entered as ‘X’ (as per the EDF standard) or as an empty string ‘’.

code() writable property

Get or set the patient’s code.

dob() writable property

Get or set the date of birth (DOB).

If DOB is not known it must be an empty string ‘’ or ‘X’. If it is known, it must be entered as

(a) a string in EDF format ‘dd-MMM-yy’, as in ‘30-DEC-1999’; (b) a string in iso format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, as in ‘1999-12-30’; or (c) a datetime object.

In any case the date will be stored as a datetime.date object.

name() writable property

Get or set the patient’s name.

sex() writable property

Get or set the patient’s sex.


Return patient ID record as a single string.

The patient identification record in an EDF file must be a string no longer than 80 characters. This function concatenates the patient attributes to create such a string. This is useful for making the full EDF header record.


Name Type Description
patient_id str

A string containing patient ID in the format specified by EDF.